Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The English Test

I am sitting with the English exam right in front of me. It is hard. It is boring and I am as unprepared as ever. I stare at the words, ordering them with my mind to reveal their secrets to me. I stare so hard until the letters start to move.
They float randomly on the page, dancing mellowly on the neat horizontal lines of the notebook.
It was then that I noticed a small, black dot right in the middle of the page. I bend lower to examine it more carefully. Is it spilt ink or a flaw of the paper? The more I look, the darker it becomes.
Like my grandmother's mole, it disturbs me immensely and trying to get rid of it I rub it with my sleeve.
Lo! It isn't a spot after all; it's a hole, a small gaping hole right in the middle of the page.
I wonder how it happened to be here.I never did anything to the paper to create such a thing! I bend low and place my eye right above it.
"Why..it isn't so small, is it now?" I can see right through it very clearly.

A peeping Tom I am, staring at the redhead woman's back! How fortunate that she can't see me; the small mirror in front of her is steamy, so she can't see behind her.
Hair hair is wet and long. I see her running a silver comb through it, in slow, repetitive movements.
How I love watching her mesmerized by her beauty. Squeezing both hands into the hole, I try to have a look at her whole body. Like a Goddess she looks, flawless and smooth and I gape at her silky skin.
Oh, how I long to touch it.

My whole head has slipped inside the round window, I am but a breath away from her now. Still, her silver comb slips through her fiery hair.
I close my eyes and take a deep breath; incense and sage, cinnamon and rosemary.

And then she stops. The comb is pulled out of her hair and I freeze.
She's felt my presence. I see her hand on the small mirror, she is wiping the mist off the glass.
I'm about to see her face, I'm going to see her face, the face of my queen in the hole, the face I am longing to see. She wipes the glass and smiles back at me.

(photo by Chad Michael Ward)

Something on her is terribly, horribly wrong. I want to leave now, I want to see no more of her. Her face is abnormal, her cheekbones exposed, too large, she shifts, she changes into something horrid and grotesque.
She turns around, there's a hole in her chest, gore sips out and a reptile's head emerges slowly.
I pull my head back as hard as I can but with a light swish and a flash of silver, she runs the comb across my neck.
Blood spills on my chest, I look down on my hands as I bleed and open my mouth to scream but the scaly thing has a strong hold of me. I can hear the sucking sound on my neck, I open my mouth to plead.
A small white dot on the ceiling ahead, so white, so bright, is the last thing I see and her eyes, her bloody eyes staring down on me.

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