Thursday, January 5, 2012

Bloody Emma. A story written by 13- year-old Eva.

(photo from

Emma knew that after what she had been through, her life would never be the same again.
Ten years ago, she had gone on a date with Jim, the hottest boy in the world. She was in love with him from the first day at work. They had been dating for months, soon they were making out and finally, they got married.
At the beginning their marriage was a fairytale but then something terrible happened.
 Some nights he came back late. He told her that he was at work (he had told Emma that he was working as a waiter).
Although it was obvious that he was lying, Emma chose to believe him. However, the next day while she was looking for something she found drugs and cigarettes in a big, red bag. She was shocked!
As soon as she found them she packed her bags but when she was ready to leave he came in.
- "What are you doing" he asked her.
- "I'm leaving." she said.
- "Why?" he asked horrified.
- "I found these in a bag." she said and showed him the drugs.
- "I don't see anything..." he said
- " Are you a psycho? Why are you doing this to us?" she cried back to him.
- "I'm sorry Emma. I can't let you go." he said and closed the door.
That was the first night he hit her. Emma still remembers this and is in pain. After that, she never left home again.
Once she tried to escape and he hit her again and that was the end of happy Emma.