Monday, May 7, 2012

爱 AI (Part I) A story written by 17 year-old Macy.


There was a very beautiful and sexy girl knelled at the altar. She was wearing a flamboyant attire and there was a crown on her head. Nobody knew who she was and why she had come to the altar at midnight but from her clothes everybody guessed she was a princess. She closed her eyes and bowed her head in prayer. After a long time, she stood up, smiled happily and ran down the steps.
Suddenly, she tripped and fell, her head smashing against the stone.
" Are you ok? Hey, wake up!"
"Victoria, are you ok?"
"Open your eyes please."
There was a girl on the bed and a crowd around her. The girl had disappeared two days ago.
Finally, a servant found her fainted at the altar but nobody knew why. They were very worried about her, some of them were even crying.
There was one person who didn't say anything; he just held her hand sitting at her bedside. It seemed that noone could take him away from her.
In a moment full of anxiety, the quiet man felt the girl's hand move.
"Doctor!" he said " She is waking up, hurry!"
Everyone smiled happily, they crossed themselves and thanked their God. They waited for the doctor to say something and prayed that the girl would get better.
"Your Serene Highness Prince Vincent, Princess Victoria hasn't got a serious problem but she needs silence in order to sleep. So, apart from one person who can stay to accompany her, all the others must go out." The doctor said to the quiet man.
Until all the people left the room, they could still see the man holding her hand. They thought of the girl's luck to have such a good man.
"Are you ok Victoria? Would you like to drink some water?" He asked her in an anxious voice.
The girl opened her eyes and looked at them man blankly.

"Victoria?" she thought "Who me? No!!! Where am I? What happened?'
"What is it?" he asked "Why aren't you talking to me? Why did you go to the altar at midnight? Did something happen there? Why did you faint?" so many questions, he asked so many questions.

"Stop! Who are you? Why are you asking me so many questions? This is none of your business!" the
girl said angrily.
"I am your fiance! Obviously there is nothing wrong with your body." he said with a smile.
"My fiance? Can you tell me where this place is? No, no please leave my room!"she said puzzled.
"Are you kidding me? This is my palace! I am going to leave now but I will come back tomorrow. Have a good rest BUT I will tell you this one last time; don't try to destroy my plan again! No matter what you do, we must have the wedding in two days and if you play tricks, you will die in a very cruel way. I need that power!" he said his soft manners gone. He was another man now.
This change shocked the girl. Vincent walked out of the girl and she slumped in the bed.
"Who is Victoria and Vincent? I am Alex! Why did the people call me Victoria?" the girl was talking to herself now, all this confusion was driving her crazy.
The fact is that the girl's body was Victoria's but the soul inside was not. That was Alex.
She thought for a long time and began to remember things; her mind travelled over the last thing that had happened to her.