Wednesday, June 15, 2011

School's out.

It was the end of year celebration at the school of St Bernard. There were plays, dances and concerts, the kids were outstanding and the parents in tears and full of pride for their offspring.
The night ended with an amazing rock band singing "...sweet dreams are made of this...". The lead guitarist had the air of a super star and the girls screamed his name in adoration...

Alas, this glorious night was doomed to end in horror.
The Headmaster, Mr Sotan,  took the microphone and announced that the doors of the school gym were sealed shut and that none of them was to come out alive. It was his time to get revenge.
Mr Sotan took a remote from his jacket pocket and hit the button that opened the roof above with a loud metallic screetch. Bight moonlight sneaked inside the hall with the first crack.

However at first none paid much attention to him; he was always a nagging sort of a man, always complaining about this and that, with no friends or family to speak of. But then he started to change in front of their wide open eyes.

His corduroy jacket was ripped in pieces revealing giagantic scaly wings and his patent leather shoes burst under the weight of smoky hooves that burned the wooden planks underneath.
He was a man no more.

Some children screamed, more ran to their parents, a few just stared numb with fear but three of them, the members of the rock band, stood still at the very back and gave the wickedest of smiles.  They were not surprised by their headmaster's gruesome nature, they did not fret, they knew and they had come prepared.

Meanwhile, Mr Sotan spread his wings on top of everyone's head. The headlights above them gave them a bloody red colour and made them look almost transparent so that everybody could see the veins and bones inside them that spread like gigantic roots from the shoulders of this Headmaster demon to the scales on their surface.

The beast roared and black smoke emanated from its nostrils the size of wine barrels. Then it spoke with a raspy, crackling voice, the words came slowly out of his mouth, distorted and some meaningless.
It said: " MON...GRELS,       TYRAN....TS,         DEVOU...R..."

The rock band looked at the parents around them falling on their knees shouting prayers and crossing themselves. Like cowards there were trying to hide under the buffet table of behind chairs suffocating the children in their arms.

"Disgusting" the boy with the guitar said. "They are good at scolding, shouting and working other than that they are completely useless.."
His huge, brown eyes were on fire,  he looked fierce, with his Mohawk hair dyed blue for the occasion and his dark complexion; he looked like one of those Manga warriors with super karate powers and sharp swords. He felt like one too.
"I know" said the pretty girl next to him. Her eyes were glued on her mother who was shouting her name in tears, holding a tiny gold cross up towards the beast. "Pathetic!" she said and like a rubber band she sprang on the metallic beam above her and started crawling towards the head lights above the former Headmaster.
She was a singer, a dancer specialising on acrobatic stunts.
"Let's do this!" said the boy next to the Manga warrior. This was the drummer, a blond, plump boy with large blue glasses and brains to match Stephen Hawking.

The Manga warrior, Stephen Hawking and the Acrobat were the only people in the school who knew about the Headmaster. The Manga warrior, the leader of the band, was the one who had seen him first.

You see at the previous full moon Mr Headmaster had pulled the same stunt at the local park and though there wasn't any visible audience the Manga warrior happened to be cutting through the park on his way back from band rehearsal. He hid behind a bush and saw his Headmaster go back to his old form the minute a cloud hid the full moon sentencing them to temporary darkness; it was all the Manga warrior needed to see to know that the man was a Beast in literally tearms as well.

Back to the school, the Headmaster, started grabbing whoever happened to be near and shoved him down his throat. There was hysteria and terror but at least there was no blood spilt; the Headmaster was thorough.

The acrobat jumped from beam to beam and stood right above him, Stephen Hawking took out the timer and counted the seconds away.

The moon was as red as guts and so big nothing could keep the Headmaster at bay but then something happened.

It was the eclipse...

The Beast did not expect this, despite the fact that he was a Science teacher for 15 years before his promotion to Headmaster, he never cared about it which cost him his life.

The rope came from above and took him by the thoat and by surprise. There was no cloud in the sky and the Moon had conspired against him...he thought.

A loud roar escaped from the bottom of his throat and he fell forward right on top of the Warrior's sword which penetrated the whole body and came out on the other side; yet no blood was spillt.

"Rip him now before the moon hides completely and he turns human, do it!" Stephen Hawking orderd the Warrior who with one slash unzipped the deamon's chest and belly just in time to get the people out.

Then the moon disappeared and the Headmaster's gutted, spreadeagled body lay on the floor, dismantled, almost unrecognisable.
Everyone was silent and still. Noone could believe what had taken place tonight.
The Manga warrior threw the bloody sword on the floor and picked up his quitar.

When the police and paramedics came to open the doors for them the first thing they heard was the guitar and the Manga warrior singing an old Maiden song:

" What did I see?
Could I believe?
That what I saw that night was real and not just fantasy...."

Monday, June 13, 2011

In search of an idea

(painting by William-Adolphe Bouguereau )

Dearest Visitor,
I am searching for an idea, something that will trigger an interesting story.
If you are a reader or if you just happen to drop by and you have an idea that you think will make a good story please share it with me and I will do my best to make it come alive. I will publish it right here for your pleasure, comments and suggestions.

Thank you in advance,


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