Saturday, October 9, 2010

The meeting

"Where are you?" the thin mental voice asked.
"I'm on the train to Rome" she thought hurriedly back.
She closed her eyes and saw her there,
sitting in a Queen Anne velvet armchair,
drinking red herb tea.
"Listen carefully for I shall speak of this only once,
we can't afford to take another chance."
"I hear you, go ahead and talk about the task
speak fast, it's only a few hours before dusk.
"The loom that weaves the cloth
which separates the worlds
is kept beyond the dying ashes
of the burning sea.
Once a year the loom weaves
the magic veil
which thins and fades as the year passes
until it can't be seen.
The night that darkenss conquers light,
the night the veil falls at witches' will,
that night we shall cross the gate
and find the loom before it starts to weave.
The candle shall burn
for hours nine
enough to brew, enough to cast the spell.
Its cogs and wheels, its threads and heddles
shall be altered beyond repair.
The newly woven veil
shall always grant us pass
to all the worlds at last.
The darkest spirits and lightest nymphs,
will be called to do our deeds,
for all I want and all you wish
we and only we shall keep the keys.
The woman drank her bitter tea,
eyes glistering
she looked at her,
the smoke had all but gone,
her smile shone back beneath the veil.
"What is it that you wish?"
"I want to roam and fly free wherever I wish,
I want people to shrink at my command
and keep them in a chocolate box
to play with when I please".
A knock was heard on the door..
"I need to go, take care.."
the smoke, the train were gone.
She placed the herb tea on the pink lace tablecloth and sighed,
twenty-two nights were not that long.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

"you have a childness in you that I would like to crush"

Most people misunderstand it, others feel intimidated by it but most are absolutely envious of it.
It's the sparkle of enthusiasm that comes out as a flare and blinds the soul-dead. The unhindered laughter that echoes in the adult -club of the overworked. The life that is perceived as an infectious disease to the zombie- sedated, money-driven, self-obsessed grown-ups of today's Matrix.
"I cannot allow you to have something that I have allowed to die. You must be what I am so that I can feel good about my self."
She is pressured from all corners. Closing her eyes she takes a deep breath. Fresh baked bread from the bakery across the street, the vaccum cleaner making a racket from the flat above, the soft mush of the gutted pumkin in her hand....
Something like that never dies, it lives on even when you are dead. It leaves ripples in the pool of life that affect others for many years after. And then it is recognised for what it truly was. A strong appetite to harverst all life's potential.
-"You have a childness in you that I would like to crush"
-"Hearing you say it scares me. I'd rather go.."

Sunday, October 3, 2010

getting there

I'm all set and with the best intentions. All I wanted to say is on paper, all revised and checked. The wheels are in motion, the story is on the run and there is no going back now. The characters are waiting for me to give the signal to fight to the end, more blood is going to be spilt, destinies will be decided and kingdoms will perish. Some will die, others will live and I, the all mighty God of their universe, am standing on the highest hill overlooking the battlefield waiting for the right moment.

I shouldn't have picked this outfit. This is a battlefield after all. Boots and pants would have been more appropriate but its my feeling that I will come out of it unscathed and victorious that led me choose these shoes and the white dress. I wouldn't want my characters to look better than me. I want to them to feel at ease at this dire moment.
This isn't a battle of good and evil, right and wrong, love and indifference, this is a battle of characters, of power over others, of personal fears and insecurities in a fictional land where there are no rules. Everyone is playing their game, and some games are just not good enough. In a land made of blood, death is irrelevant, physical pain is non-existent and the concept of life is negotiable.
Yet I am happy for it, therefore the shoes.