Saturday, September 18, 2010


I am not a religious person and so I don't believe in miracles.
When somebody dies, he goes to the exact same place he was before he was born.
I fear death because I don't know how the hell I'm going to die and if I had a choice I would stay young and live for all eterninty...I swear I would if I was given the choice.
Saying that makes me fully aware that I will fade and wither and die and there's nothing I can do about it.
My book characters are luckier than me. They struggle to figure out what the hell it is that they want and how ready they are to face their fears, to face their truth. But, they have all the choices in the world. They can do everything they want with the only condition to know what that is.
Power, recognition, love, succeess, domination, peace, potential, change, continuity, oblivion, sleep, life, death.

When I smell chocolate being baked in the kitchen, when I feel it melt on the roof of my mouth,
 I truly believe that I have it all figured out and that things will work out for me. That perhaps it will be a while before I grow old and die and I will get my chance to choose wisely and manage to sell the tale.
...and then the chocolate is gone.

Good morning ladies and gentlemen of places near and far.....

This is a very Venetian Red video with very special quests and a unique voice.
Annie Lennox is a very theatrical artist, could have easily been an actress and a damn good one.
Cheers Annie!
Her web site is one of the best I have ever seen...have a look and tell me what you think..

Walking on broken glass

Friday, September 17, 2010

friday 17th

This feels like standing on the top of a high mountain in the middle of nowhere and shout on the top of my voice...Helloooo..and my voice hits me hard in the face...there's nobody here but me. 
There's nobody here but me...which is nice for now.
Venetian Red is the name of the book I'm trying to finish. I could easily say it is autobiographical but it would be a lie. It's a fictional story full of gore, splatter and despair....and love but not the fairy tale kind.
I have been writing in the weirdest places and with the oddest soundtracks. 
The woman in the painting is Queen Anne. She died of podagra (a nasty infection of the toes) in 1714. She died childless. This portrait shows her young and fresh and I thought it goes nicely with the background I chose, though I wouldn't mind other suggestions. This portrait was made when she was happily married..after her husband died, she turned all fat and ugly. There are other portraits of her during that period which will make you weep, if you are the weeping kind.
 I love portraits because they don't only show how the person looked but also who the person was and who the person wanted to be. In some portraits the pretence is so loud that you can read through the insecuries and complexes that the painter struggles to hide.