Tuesday, August 9, 2011

How I want it.

(painting by Natalie Shau)

"Do you like what you see? Is it playful enough, even for you... I mean?"
"Why? What's wrong with me?"
"I'm sorry kind Sir, I meant no offence..It's just that I went to a lot of trouble to prepare this for you tonight.."
"You did well. I need a minute to prepare. Kneel in front of the chair and let me look at you..now hold still... touch your cheek with your finger...a little lower...yes that's right...look at me... lovely..you look lovely..no don't smile, like that, yes.................. Is that fear I see in your eye?"
"Should I be afraid...Sir?"
"Yes....and no...we'll see."

"My knees are aching....can we have a break, I'm not feeling very well..."
"No need for a break, I'm almost done, come and see.."

"All this red..looks weird..."
"Do you like it?"
"Well, it looks all right I guess...but what are all these red spots all over my body?"
"That.... is blood..."
"Blood? Why?"
"Don't look so surprise little girl. It's blood because it's how I want it. Your skin is so white, one needs the distraction, you'll see soon enough...."
"Are we done? I'd like to leave now.."
"I thought you were a brave girl...are you afraid of a little blood? Blood is joy...it's life and it looks so beautiful on your pale skin....no?"
"Now that IS fear isn't it? Don't worry, you will have changed your mind by morning, you'll see..."