Friday, April 15, 2011


(painting by Dean Mcdowell)

This was the 19th day she was on the run and she had ran out of hiding places. Everything was soaked in light and there was no place dark enough for her. There was always some crack on the window pane, a gaping door that vomited light and there was the smell.

Light had a smell of its own.

 Dust, human rubbish being cooked in the afternoon heat, sweat, dog shit, water turning to steam the moment it hits the pavement. The horrifying smell of light, that promise of death was tormenting her more than light itself.
"Have to leave this place, have to leave.." she muttered during the hours of unrestful slumber but the nights were too short and feeding took too long. She knew that if she didn't find a way to leave the city, people would start to notice, but she was too helpless and afraid to care. Yet it was night time once again.

She didn't have to see them to know that they were there, hiding as well inside this broken house. Starving immigrants who came back at sundown to count their few coins they had got from wiping windows all day, some were already drank others fast asleep.

Fast food.

The smell of light snuck inside her mouth with the first embrace, her eyes opened wide but she couldn't stop, not when the blood was already clogging her throat. She cornered them, sealed their mouth with her hand and bled them dry. The sleeping ones she tried not to wake. She slipped under their filthy covers and wrapped her cold hands around their waists, full of love and care. They turned around in alarm only to relax under her spellbinding stare. Death found them with the frown of confusion stamped on their starved faces.

 By dawn the house was full of corpses and in flames, another hiding place burned to the ground
The first light hunts her down again and she runs like a bullet looking for the next place to hide.
Around the corner and the sun  hits her straight in the face, her skin fries, her lips melt, her eyes blur. Another turn, a little shade, a basement door.
 She kicks it open,  jumps inside and collapses on the floor.