Friday, April 13, 2012

I love you.

"Talk no more about love
'cause love is everywhere
in our hearts, in our eyes
it's eating our lips
it's feeding on our eyes
and when we would have suffered enough
love will say 'goodmorning'
and then love will leave us
and will come back again
and everything will start all over.

Yesterday it was a dream,
golden rain.
Yesterday was the sea,
seagulls dancing with the morning.
Now it's silence,
now it's oblivion
and death
and it seems that the sky
extinguished all the blinking stars.

Your master is inside me now
but we have each other,
and you will never die.

Sleep tight little dolly
you have me now
talk no more about love
because your master's love is now within me
and I will love you always."