Saturday, March 24, 2012

Affected. A story written by 12-year-old Ageliki.

A happy family lived in Boston in 1970. Every day, dad, mum and their daughter Alicia spent their time happily. Despite the girl being a teenager, her behaviour was very good.
She had long, blond hair and pretty blue eyes. Her cheeks was light pink and her lips were full and red.
The family was very polite but they didn't go to church and the girl hadn't been baptised. They believed in good but not specifically in God.
One day they girl felt very sick so her parents called the doctor. The doctor said that it was just a cold and it would pass in a few days.
But the doctor was wrong!
The girl was ill for one week. She started to change. Her beautiful eyes became big and red, her face turned wild and with many scars. When was talking, her voice was thunderous and angry, she knew everything about you, she could predict the future and she didn't sleep at all.

Her parents called the priest to come and see their child. When he arrived and saw the girl he said:
"Oh my God..It can't be. There is evil inside this child." Then he took an ancient paper and started reading it and reading it, all night, all day, all week.

The girl was swearing at him, she was throwing things and she was hitting him but the priest continued to read the paper. He was trying to take evil out of her.
Two weeks later the priest was reading the paper again. Suddenly the lights went on and off, outside it started to rain and an earthquake happened. A minute later all the things stopped and the girl fell down and slept quietly all through the night. The next morning the girl was normal again. The priest had taken evil out of her.
The parents thanked the priest and they baptised their daughter because they know that God could protect her.