Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Misanthropist

                      (photo by PhantomThrone)

"Behind my mask of dignity and righteousness I wish them all dead!
My blood runs toxic in my veins when they touch me with their stupidity and ignorance. They should be rotting in the ground providing fresh food to the blessed worms rather than roam the surface of the Earth spreading ugliness and disease.
It's when they are dead that I look back at them with respect, when I value  their lives. Being dead cleanses them, makes them bearable to the thought. Being dead is their gift to the tortured living..
If I could, I would make them see themselves as I see them; with the same force and conviction. Maybe then, they would decide to relieve us from their presence and die. Though their stupidity would make even that harder than it is.
There are people everywhere.
The streets are full of them, they drive, they walk, they look suspiciously around them, see evil everywhere, drop their filth and occasionally spit when they see you watching.
They are rude, they lie, they deceive and they love to be deceived, they love to hate and are happy when it is the others that die a very painful death. They are afraid of everything that might happen and couldn't care less of what is happening unless it is in their own living-room and perhaps not even then.
I want them to see themselves are they truly are: an abomination, a thorn in the flesh!

That's why I've come to you sweet sister. Give me what I've asked for! Give me the power to make them see themselves as they truly are! This is all I want."

"Behind my mask, I see them in their Venetian Red costumes, pretending to be someone they'll never be. They are desperate ghosts picking stardust from the marbles just before the flood.
Pointless...Even under all this velvet you can smell their stink; the smell of pus manages to escape their plaster masks, death simmers behind their eyes, he gloats....ha, what is he waiting for..I can give him a hand you see that jester over there....wouldn't you just love to see him dead? A dead jester in appropriate..I can do it with one gloved finger like this..."

"STOP IT SISTER! There are so many people you will be seen! As stupid as they may be, they can always find a witch in a crowd.
Listen to me..give me what I want. Grant me my wish once more and when the time comes I will make sure you are rewarded generously."

"You will reward me for giving you death?
Have you ever seen yourself through the eyes of another...sister? Have you felt their hate, their disgust, have you heard their whispers in your head asking you to die, out of spite, have you seen their horrid play unfold behind your wet eyes, your own death scene, blood sprouting out of your pores, your youth fading away, your hair falling off leaving open sores on your skull...your body breaking in your mind, your scream frozen in your mouth, their hate so poweful, eons of magic cannot cast it away..Have you? This is the gift you seek."

"I shall not use it on myself. I will control it, you'll see.."

"I see fear is already nesting in your mouth,....You know I speak the truth...good! It is not a power that you seek but a curse...Still you confuse me. You say you hate all human beings and then you say that you want them to see themselves as they truly want to change them, save them from themselves...what kind of a punishement is that, I wonder.."

"It is what they deserve."

"But still, an act that shifts prespectives and changes attitudes.. a very merciful act. The strong ones will shift and find deliverance and the weak ones shall go crazy and die..."

"Why are you making it so difficult. I have never asked anything of you, I put up with your madness...What are you doing. Leave that Jester alone. He's only a boy."

"Look, his is coming this way. I want him and so I claim him. He will see himself through my eyes tonight...I hope he is as entertaining as he seems and his blood as warm."

"You are mad! I don't know why I've come here..."

"Take what you ask for and be gone. I want to play with my Jester now. Here! The red stone is yours."