Friday, October 15, 2010

All the words-she-left-unsaid

All the words-she-left-unsaid have retreated on the roof of her mouth turning textures into grains.
Then, she swallowed hard to be rid of them because causing problems is the last thing she wanted, so they went down and into the bloodstream, seeking to return to the royal palace, where they were born.
Their journey had been in vain.
Soon, the familiar crystal grounds lay before them.
The glass palace of her brain was crammed with visitors, passers-by and refugees,
many of whom were gathered outside the glass doors waiting to be received,
something which was rarely refused.
The doors slowly opened and a tiny creature with small ears and a huge mouth made his announcement:
"New Secrets and New Lies, New Ideas, New preconceptions, New Pains, New Guilts and New Angers and Fears, welcome to her majesty the Architect!
As you know, there is room for everyone, however, you need to be patient for we need to avoid desperation at all costs.
We have prepared an excellent buffet for you all, in the garden of imagination,
where you can rest, eat, get fat and become obsessions.
When your number comes up, which can be at any time, you shall enter the dome and find your assigned drawer. Thank you for your patience."
Everyone walked to the garden of imagination for the amazing feast, all but all the words-she-left-unsaid.
They were not new, so they could not follow the others.
Soon the doors opened again and another funny creature appeared. This one had no eyes, only huge ears hanging from the sides of its head. In its hands, it was holding a thick leather volume.
"May I be of some assistance?" he said with a soft voice.
All the words-she-left-unsaid climbed the steps and presented their case.
Since they were unsaid and not new where should they go?
"We had no choice but to come back to our birthplace."
"No, no, no, no...." said the small creature. "You cannot stay here, it's not healthy! You should find another way out soon, or you'll turn into ghosts!!!!"
"Ghosts..." muttered all the words-she-left-unsaid.
"Another way out..." this was unheard of..
All the words-she-left-unsaid looked at each other in fear and awe.
"Yes, yes, yes..:" said the creature. "I shall give the order to the hand to fetch a pen and at the right moment you have to jump out, timing is crucial here!" said the little thing.
"You should leave immediately, you have overstayed as it look a bit airy already... and smell the air..anger is rising. There will be a storm unless you get out of here. We don't want another,no,no,we're still mopping from the flood of 2004." The little scared creature looked up at the red sky, as if it could actually see it.
"A spark of insipation will carry you to the assigned place"
"Maybe we should wait for her at the feast.." all the words-she-left-unsaid said.
"Hell no! The last thing we want is to get you fatter than you already are...Aaahh..I am told that she is here. Goodbye, I hope I never hear the same of you again!" said the thing and went inside the glass palace.
The spark of inspiration raised its sails and carried them though the beating heart, to Cape Right Hand.
Then the Hand started to move and pure light fell on ther feeble heads. Their time had come, they will not be unsaid any more.
One by one they joined the light:

You-stole-it-you-sick-little-thief jumped first and turned to light.

You-died-before-i-had-my-chance dived and let out a joyful shout.

I-still-crave-for-your-acceptance danced in the air.

Stop-undermining-my-intelligence-you-fat-bitch turned into smoke and disappeared.

I-won't-buy-you-anything-else-unless-i-get-my-money-back turned into a smudge and lost all consciousness.
I'm-sorry-for-not-being-there-I'm-just-not-strong-enough was washed away by a passing tear.

I-hate-seeing-your-distorted-grumpy-face-all-the-time turned into a smile.

You-are-obsessed-and-full-of-guilt-stop-harassing-me broke the pencil....

thank goodness all of them were out...or were they?

Poor I-need-more-time-to-write stood there trapped and watched its small limbs disappear....

(painting by Octavio Ocampo)

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The whirlpool in the sink and the stolen car (in the dead of night)

Dead tired she was
with a ton of things on her mind,
all she wished for was sleep
yet she couldn't find the strengh
to leave the dishes behind.
So she washed and she scrubbed,
until all was really clean,
then she pulled out the plug,
and stared at the whirlpool in the sink.
When even that was gone,
she headed for bed,
thinking intensively
of what she could have done instead.
She could butcher her husband in the dead of night,
she can eat her children alive,
she could go to a weird bar,
in a brand new stolen car,
and flay the patrons alive.
Her eyes closed fast,
she was sleeping at last,
her subconscious self,
armed her with a machine gun instead.
She won battles, she killed armies,
and her boss and the grocer,
nothing but a loser and a tosser,
she had stolen the car,
and had gone to the weirdest freaking bar,
her husband was there dressed as a nun.
She was laughing out loud
they were having some fun,
then she started to run,
all the way to the sun!
There's nothing better indeed,
than a good night's sleep,
to let out some steam,
in a wild and bloody paranoid,
sweet and sour dream.


Painting by William E. Rochfort