Friday, January 28, 2011

Love lives on though Amelia is dead.

(photo by Oer-Wout)

I knew he would come for me,
that he wouldn't let go.

A love like that is not easily forgotten,
not when two souls merge and feel as one.

But I couldn't be with him,
not anymore,
he made me feel like I wasn't myself,
my once crystal dreams had blurred.
He shattered them with promises, plans and demands,
he made me feel drained,
a lifeless shadow behind his fiery passion, and darkest heart.
I couldn't breathe, I couldn't feel,
I had to leave,

and so I did.

The whole Kingdom whispered that this would mean my death,
betrayal always has the smell of blood,
so I knew the day was near,
when he would take away everything I hold dear,
my golden youth, my fairy dreams,
his eyes when his seas are calm,
his flesh against my heart.

But though I knew, I just went on,
playing my happy song on the guitar,
singing along,
under the Poplar tree,
the tree of Death,
Hades' beloved tree.

My feet are turning blue in the winter stream.

"Oh, how I dream of countries far and wide,
to see them all before I die,
I am so young and fair and true,
my sons shall sing my happy tune.
Oh, mother Earth and Oceans wide,
I feel your tide rising inside,
Oh! Gods believe me,
I do not lie...
I do not wish to die"

My tear as cold as the melting snow, maybe I have already died.

I saw him from the corner of my eye,
my gleaming Prince holding his sword.
He had left his white steed not far behind,
the killing wouldn't take him long.

His once blue eyes were red and bloody,
stormy rings encirled both,
his skin was pale,
his lips looked dead and ash clouded his hair,
his clothes were torn, the gold was covered in blood,
what have you done,
my love,
what have you done...

-Amelia, you knew I'd find you... why did you linger?

He drew his sword and stood before me,
I felt its cold steel on my neck.

-Why did you leave me...WHY?

I did not speak then, I stood before the tree,
 closed my eyes and heard the water
gurgling through the mud and stones,
happy and free.

-Speak! Tell me why!
 His rusty breath filled my lungs,
I heard fiery wrath shattering the remnants of his heart.

- I want to be what I was meant to be,
not a figment of your dream.
I won't obey your commands,
that is not what true love does.

-If I can't have you, nobody will.
You shall taste my steel and wrath.
THIS is what true love does.

The coldest blade broke into my spine,
Amelia was no more alive,
and as I watched myself bleed,
I heard my old Prince weep,
not with remorse, not with relief.

He pushed his face in the gash
and drank my unfairly, spilt blood,
each drop a wail, a cry,
until my body ran dry.

But love lives on,
beyond Hades' halls,
loves lives on
among the dead souls,
He'll come to me,
soon enough,
love lives on,
beyond death and wrath.

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