Saturday, October 23, 2010


         What am I looking...what I am looking for,
but the truth inside the dregs.
How long will I live for,
how will I die,
where will I go,
will I meet somebody, anybody new,
will my plans fall through,
or will I fail to succeed,
which I want to believe
is not meant for me?
The dregs, the dregs will tell me...let me see...
I see a cross, a white large cross,
which is good.
 A ceremony, a wedding perhaps,
all in good mood.
What's that black thing over there...'s a crow...bad news,
I knew that.... I swear,
and a tall man will come to me, he'll say things..
oh! he holds a key!
A key to a locked door...
that was what I was hoping for!
And who's that woman over there?
With raven hair...she has a child in her care..?
That could be me, I guess that's true,
but she looks so old and dark and blue!
That's not me! I'm young and fresh.'s definitely someone else!
The dregs sometimes go very wrong,
the cup is dark...this takes too long...
The black blobs around the brim have come to pass..
there's the money I owe and the money I'll get back at long last,
a very narrow road lies straight ahead,
perhaps my fortune is hidden there instead.
The middle blobs will make me weep...
...a dear friend is bound to leave..
But what's that at the bottom of the cup,
where the affairs closer to the heart lie flat?
A gory tale will meet its fiery end,
and will eventually be sent.
(This will come to pass
 when I find the time to write at last)
The dregs have spoken once more,
I'd better go see who's at the door...

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